Workshops // Crafting Video Stories That Move People

We love teaching this workshop.

Through teaching a variety of video storytelling courses and workshops, we’ve found that often people get hung up on cameras, software, and all the technical aspects of producing videos (which is understandable, there’s a lot to remember!) The problem is, when you’re distracted by cameras, microphones, and editing software, you miss the most important element of creating videos: powerful storytelling.

This one-day workshop at The Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University, strips away the technology and focuses on how to create a video story that people will care about and remember. If you have a solid story concept and plan, your work will be MUCH stronger once you do pick up the camera or sit down at the editing suite. So join us for a day of pencils and paper (what?!) and interactive concept building that will take your video stories to the next level.

Video Storytelling Workshop at the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University

Course Description


Why Should I Care? Crafting Video Stories That Move People

Video is everywhere but effective storytelling is rare. How can you create video stories that connect to target audiences on an emotional level? How will your video story break through the sea of content and move people to awareness, to understanding, to action? This interactive workshop will focus on concepts and strategies for crafting videos that inspire social change through authentic, character-driven stories. Workshop attendees will be exposed to cutting-edge work and engage in critical discussions about what makes an effective video story. Attendees will receive the StoryMineMedia “Video Storytelling for Social Change” workbook, and have the opportunity to workshop story ideas and come away with their own storytelling strategies. All levels and backgrounds are welcome.

Saturday, October 17 – 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University
Cost: $195
Register Here